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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Origamic Architecture Pencil Holder

Paper folding to the extreme! But looking at the template, it seems very doable, almost easy! If you give it a try, I'd love to see it! [link]

Fold a Box

Swap-bot Weblog has a tutorial on making a folded box just in time for Valentine's Day gift giving. You can print out the template. There is another box included in the post for a matchbox type box with template. Enjoy! [link]

Make a Map Ring

Thanks to Instructables for a great tutorial on how to make a ring from a map. Seems quick, easy and smart. Doable with kids. Applicable to other materials like wrapping paper, fabric, kids artwork... [link]

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Box Round-up

I have another vice, it is boxes. I love them. I have been know to keep a used cardboard box just because I liked the shape. I love all kinds of unique boxes but the smaller the better. Here is a round-up of box tutorials. I hope you like them as much as I do. 

Book box from How Does She?  [link]

Fabric Storage Box from Make It and Love It [link]

Origami gift box from Homemade Gifts Made Easy [link]

Box pouch tutorial from Make it Modern [link]

Pizza box tutorial from Crafting with Class [link]

Ribbon box Dispenser from Instructables [link]

Drawstring Box from June at Noon [link]

Stationary organizer from Katydid & Kids [link]

Tissue box cover from Janome [link]

Pillow box template from Soap Making Essentials [link]

Fimo Color Chart

Want to know how to mix a variety of colors from Fimo? Here is a printable color chart with measurements to acquire the correct color you desire. There is one for classic Fimo and one for soft Fimo. Print both for your clay studio space. [link]

Bed Warmer

This is definitely my next project - like tomorrow. I was searching for some kind of bed warmer. We have been hitting the reusable hand warmers I have since the weather turned cold. I was thinking tonight, it would be great to have something similar for the bed. Thanks to Make it Do, I found a tutorial for Cozy Bed Warmers. [link]

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Bead Fantasies Necklace - Free Tutorial from Lark Books

Sabine Lippert’s Beaded Fantasies presents 30 of Sabine’s jewelry designs; all the projects utilize peyote or right angle weave, beading’s most popular stitches. The book includes plenty of beautiful photography, excellent instructions and how-to illustrations, a special chapter by Sabine about how she approaches design, and a gallery of photographs of beadwork Sabine admires. The book will officially publish on May 1. In the meantime, let’s give you a taste of it: Click here to download a PDF of the project Les Fleurs Necklace from Sabine Lippert’s Beaded Fantasies. If you look at the PDF, you’ll see we’ve included the book’s table of contents, which has teaser photos from throughout the book.


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