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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Aleene's Tacky Glue Gift Basket Give Away

Enter to win a great gift set of glues. Contest ends December 2, 2011 - just in time for Christmas gift giving! [link]

Colored Staples DIY

What a grand idea and so simple. Thanks to Twig & Thistle for sharing. [link]

Mitten Tutorial

Makeitandloveit shares a very simple mitten tutorial that you have to try. [link]

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Upgrade Your Post-it Notes DIY

Dress up your Post-it Notes for a quick and easy gift. Keep a few of these on hand for those unforseen needs. They also make great teacher gifts. Thanks to Beneath My Heart for an easy to follow tutorial. [link]

Holiday Decor

Holiday inspiration. The original artist created this from hand painted wooden balls, and it sells for $135. [link] But I was thinking this could be done with ornaments (for a lot less) and used for Christmas or Hanukah. 

Fun with Mugs

What fun ideas for dad's or office mates. A quick visit to the dollar store for the mugs and some ceramic paint ( Enamel Paint Pots ) and you have it.

Alcohol Ink Tiles DIY

Who knew? Alcohol inks (Ranger Adirondack Lights Alcohol Ink  ) on tiles. Just in time for gift giving season! These would make beautiful teachers gifts. Just glue a bit of cork or felt on the back and you have a trivet worthy of gift giving. I found these beauties on Artsyville. [link]

Update: we just made a few sets of these at our house for teacher gifts. We used a black paint pen to finish the edges and about 1/4 inch on the back. Then we covered the back with cork. Finally we used Finish floor wax to seal the work. It does remove the ink if you are not VERY careful. We will try a spray coat finish before the Finish the next time we make these. 

Knockoff Delancey Pillow Tutorial

This is a beautiful pillow. The tutorial gives you the gist of how to make the flowers. I would personally add more flower blossoms to give it a more full look to the surface. Thanks to The Gunny Sack for the tutorial. [link]


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