Not to worry, all content will remain for a time. It has also been transfered to a new location, Try it - Like it. Try it - Like it will continue all the great craft postings similar to those found here but it will also include, eat-it, buy-it, read-it, link-it and win-it. Please visit the new site, look around and then join the mailing list, or like it on Facebook or on Networked Blogs to continue to receive great content. link

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Cozy Toes Free Pattern

A free pattern for cozy toes slippers from Sew News. [link]

Friday, September 16, 2011

Cooking Conversion Chart

Every Nothing Wonderful has a great free printable Cooking Conversion Chart. It is listed in their resource area here. [link]

The Best Icing Tip Ever

This is the best tip I have ever seen for icing. It saves a ton of clean up. Thanks Chef Mommy for this one.  [link]

Fun with Plastic Bags

This is really cool. I have seen plastic ironed together to make fabric and then sewn together. I guess this is a variation of that - and why not! I found this great tutorial on Super Cyclers! blog and used Babblefish to translate it. [link]

Candy Wrapper Bracelet Tutorial

It must be recycle day at Craft Connection. Here is another recycle find, this time from Fluffyland. Do you remember these? We used to make them from bubble gum wrappers. [link]

Milk Jug Box

This is really clever and I think I can figure it out from the pictures. There wasn't a tutorial on this one. What about adding some paint or permanent markers? Either way, a great way to reduce, reuse and recycle! Thanks to The World of Recycling for posting (it's in Spanish) [link]

DIY Dollar Gift Box

What a clever gift box made from two dollar bills. Great for that person you don't know what to get them - make it out of two $10s and place a candy inside - gift problem solved! [link]

Cricut Midnight Madness Sale

Our Midnight Madness sale is back!  Rare cartridge bundles, hard to find carrying bags, and unique machine bundles are all on sale. Quantities are very limited on many of these items. [link]

The Midnight Madness Sale is going on now!

Discovery Girls Give Away

This Give Away Has Ended 
Discovery Girls Magazine celebrated their 10th year in business. They began publishing in 2000. Discovery Girls Magazine is written by Girls for Girls. They travel to different states to work with 12 girls from that area to put together an issue.

My daughter received a sampling of their publications and powered through them in one evening, she was so excited. Your daughters will be too!

Discovery Girls mission:

To connect girls to one another during a sometimes difficult time so they know that they are not alone as well as:
• To encourage you to love all that you are
• To further your independence through a belief in your own abilities
• To guide you through the most difficult of times
• To excite you with choices you never knew you had
• To give you a voice

Discovery Girls has graciously offered a gift pack to one lucky Craft Connection reader.

The winner will receive:
1 complimentary year subscription to the magazine (a $20 value!)
1 set of our Fab Girls book set ($40)
1 10-Year Anniversary Collector's Edition, which will encompass 10 years of the best content from our magazine! ($10)!

Enter to win

Here is how you get one (1) entry:
    •    Leave a comment about this give-away. (no duplicates please)

Here is how you can score up to three (3) additional entries:
    •    Subscribe to Craft Connection by joining Google Friends on the right hand bar. Leave an additional comment to let me know you did it!
    •    Visit Discovery Girls and post here one thing that impressed you about them.
    •    Follow Craft Connection on Facebook . Come back here and leave a comment to let me know you did it!

Hurry and Enter Now!

You have until Thursday, September 22, 2011 at midnight Eastern time to get your entries in! One winner will be selected randomly through

Good Luck Everyone!

Product review & giveaway disclosure: I received one or more of the products mentioned above in exchange for an unbiased review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."

Enhanced by Zemanta

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Glue Dots Sweepstakes

Enter to win a years supply of Glue Dots and an iPad2. [link]

Color Science Experiment

I know this isn't a craft, but it is so cool. You have got to try this at home - even if you don't have kids.

shallow bowl with milk
drops of food coloring
liquid dish detergent

Place the milk into the bowl, drop in the food coloring rather close together. Place a drop of the dish detergent in for the magic to happen.

Enhanced by Zemanta

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Shrink Art Ring Tutorial

I have an affection for shrink art that started in my childhood. I love crafting and shrink art has a bit of magic thrown in that everyone enjoys. Planet Jane has a tutorial for these delicate rings pictured above, I just have to give this a try, they are so cute! If you want to make your own, follow the tutorial at this link. [link]

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

40% off Martha

Use this coupon to get 40% off one Martha Stewart's craft paint or craft painting accessory. Good until Oct 7, 2011 [link]

Melted Art

You have probably seen these all over Pinterest.

We decided to add our own little twist to the idea. We didn't want to waste brand new crayons. Since we have young children at home, we have a ton of half used, broken crayons. So, that is what we used. To begin, we peeled all the paper off the crayons that had paper on them and broke them all into smaller pieces. From the pile a selection of pieces were chosen and then hot glued down to card stock paper.

Same as the original art, we took it outside and began to heat things up with the blow dryer. Instead of letting it drip in one direction, we rotated the paper around as the crayons began to drip. Each time, it creates a unique creation. My kids thought it was so cool to watch the crayons melt and mix together. It was unexpected to them because I didn't tell them what we were doing before hand.

A few suggestions: Watch out with the blow dryer, it does get hot and so does the paper. Don't burn your fingers. And if you do it with children, have them stay clear of the heat and only handle their artwork once it has cooled a bit. Final suggestions, not the best craft on a windy day.

Popsicle Stick Bracelets

I love this idea. I have seen it posted around the web a few places and decide to share this version from Pink + Blue. You can read more about how to make your own here. [link]

Lark Book Give Away

Lark giveaway of 6 signed Beadweaving Master Class, including books by
Fitzgerald, DeCoster, McCabe, Serafini, Meister, Nelson-Smith:

One winner will be selected at random and announced on Wednesday, October 5. Click here for the official rules.


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