Not to worry, all content will remain for a time. It has also been transfered to a new location, Try it - Like it. Try it - Like it will continue all the great craft postings similar to those found here but it will also include, eat-it, buy-it, read-it, link-it and win-it. Please visit the new site, look around and then join the mailing list, or like it on Facebook or on Networked Blogs to continue to receive great content. link

Friday, December 16, 2011

Felted "Stone" Rug

This rug was made from felted wool yarn remnants. I found the image on Pinterest. There were not real directions I could link too for you to follow. But it made me wonder, could something similar be done with dryer lint? I am going to have to give it a go and report back to you. I may need to find something to work as a binder or encase the link in a stocking type mesh to hold it's shape. Something to think about and experiment with!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

3D Printable Calendar

Print your own 3D calendar. Or is it art? Either way, it is visually appealing. You can find it on the Canon Creative Park, it is created by Erico. [link]

Want a more kid friendly version? Try this one! [link]
And, you can view other printable files available from this artist as well as others. 

Christmas Utensil Holders - DIY

A festive paper project to add whimsy to your table setting for Christmas. Even the kids can get in on this one. Thanks to Stamp with Heather for the tutorial on this one. [link]

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Book Give Away - Enter to Win

A great Christmas present arrived in the mail today. What made it great? It was unexpected and there were two of everything asking me to share them on my blog as a give away or to use them for gift giving. The gift you wonder? A set of books from Lark. 

The set consists of eight books (great for the eight days of Hanukkah). The series takes about 100 favorite images from the 500 series and puts them into a pocket sized gift book. Each book is 5 x 5 inches. The categories are: earrings, pendants, handmade books, art tiles, chairs, tables, handmade dolls and ceramic sculptures. 

I will send a complete set to one lucky winner. 

Only entries with a US address please 
(unless you want to pay for the shipping)

If Raflecopter is down and you would like to enter, please leave comments:

Which book from the group would you desire the most?
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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Cosmetic Bag Tutorial

Sew your own cosmetic bag. This free tutorial is offered by Sew Like My Mom. [link]


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