Not to worry, all content will remain for a time. It has also been transfered to a new location, Try it - Like it. Try it - Like it will continue all the great craft postings similar to those found here but it will also include, eat-it, buy-it, read-it, link-it and win-it. Please visit the new site, look around and then join the mailing list, or like it on Facebook or on Networked Blogs to continue to receive great content. link

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Holiday Goody For You - $10 OFF Your Purchase!

With the holidays in full swing, we know how busy this time of year can be. That's why we want to do something for you. Goody Beads is giving you $10 OFF your purchase at No minimum purchase required. No strings attached. Buy as much or as little as you want. Just enter coupon code "FORME". One coupon per customer please. Offer expires 12/31/09. here...

Cardmaking Website - FREE

I just found a great website about cardmaking and it is FREE!!! There is also a free newsletter available.  Become a member and get access to hundreds of FREE CARD MAKING PROJECTS! Membership is FREE, and easy. There's no obligation of any kind. more...

Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Present Requests

I was asked to make a few items as Christmas presents for a friend. Her request was for a necklace for a 10-year-old girl who likes pink and green. And then for a 4-year-old, a barrette and if possible could it contain her initial, the letter P.

I sketched a few ideas and made the following, (the necklace colors are more brilliant than indicated in the photo) I hope they are liked:

Beaded Bracelet - Great Company

I got my first order from Art Beads the other day.  I'll get on to what I made in just a minute.

You know when you have experienced a great company that cares. It isn’t because of the products, although they are great. It isn’t because of the delivery service, however that is great too because it is free. But often times it is what isn’t said but can be experienced.

My package arrived and upon opening it, I got the sense of great care and attention to my order. It was in the little things, the details. Individually bagged sorted beads that were labeled and wrapped in a beautiful purple tissue paper then sealed with a stylish sticker. All of which must have been packaged by hand with great care. This impressed me.

There are many options when it comes to ordering beads online but few with such attention to details. For this, I will order again and again from Art Beads.

Now on to my project. I ordered:

LMP-0042 - Matte Blue and White Roundels
FP-SAPLT8 - 8mm Czech Fire Polished Bead Light Sapphire  
SS-DISC - STG 3.25mm Spacer Disc                          
SS-SAU5 - 5.7mm Shiny Saucer Bead    

Disclosure: the above list of beads were kindly provided free-of-charge by, within the frames of blogging program. The author of this blog has not received any payment from above-mentioned company. This post represents only personal opinion of the blog author.  

Along with silver wire, which I had, I made a bracelet. My original intent was to make a stretch bracelet but not having enough beads to go the distance, I choose a wired link style bracelet. This design also works well for a variety of left over beads that relate to each other but don't exactly match.

I will post the instruction soon, but here is my creation:   

LInks to similar products:

Sterling Silver Beads

Glass Beads

An example of how to make this bracelet can be found at this link:


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Enter Plaid Contest

Fill out a short survey about Plaid products and be registered to win a Plaid gift certificate. 25 entries will be chosen. more...


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