Not to worry, all content will remain for a time. It has also been transfered to a new location, Try it - Like it. Try it - Like it will continue all the great craft postings similar to those found here but it will also include, eat-it, buy-it, read-it, link-it and win-it. Please visit the new site, look around and then join the mailing list, or like it on Facebook or on Networked Blogs to continue to receive great content. link

Friday, January 29, 2010

Simple Bead Magazine - Pattern of the Week

This post will change every week with a new pattern so be sure to return weekly.

Card Making Freebies

Printable Bead and Jewelry Charts

From SnazzyCat are three printable PDF files about beads and jewelry making information.
Click here to download a printable ruler in Millimeters Ruler Metric
Click here to download a printable version of bead size chart below
Click to download a printable version of necklace bracelet chart 

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Bead Size Chart

 A great chart available for size and information about beads from link

Thursday, January 28, 2010

New Craft E-books Available!!!

Valentine's Day Crafts: Blogger Edition eBook- This Valentine's Day craft eBook is dedicated entirely to bloggers. With the contributions of 14 craft blogs contributing 15 craft projects, we have created this fun 42-page resource for Valentine’s Day decorating, homemade gift-giving and more.

Valentine's Day Crafts: Blogger Edition eBook

Cupid's Handmade Crafts eBook - Get in touch with your romantic side with over 30 cute Valentine ideas for handmade accessories, gifts, cards, home decor and kids' crafts. Surprise your loved ones this Valentine's Day.
Cupid's Handmade Crafts eBook 

Beautiful Beads eBook- Explore this inspiring collection of 45 beading craft projects, including jewelry sets, necklace, earrings and home decor items. Beaded jewelry can really dazzle as a homemade gift for just about any occasion.
Beautiful beads eBook

24 Simple Scrapbooking Layouts eBook offers great memories
- This eBook provides you with 24 great scrapbook pages and layouts including pages for great family memories, fun summer days, special moments and much more.


Click here to get them now!
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Craft Hope for Haiti

The craft blogosphere has been immediate in rallying to help those in need, with tons of artists donating the proceeds of their sales to help Haiti. Check out Craft Hope on Etsy, where all proceeds of the shop benefit Doctors Without Borders in Haiti. All items have been generously donated by the crafting community.
Prices vary
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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

FREE Valentine's Beads - Sweet!

Goody Beads has the best in seasonal and holiday beads; and we're making this Valentine's Day even sweeter by offering a FREE goody bag of Valentine's Day inspired beads! ($10 value.) No minimum purchase required. Just enter coupon code VDAYBEADS and we'll automatically include a great assortment of fun Valentine's Day goodies with your order. Limit one per customer please. Expires 1/31/10. Love is in the air at Goody Beads! link
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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Craft Forum Contest

Do you like to craft? How about considering entering a monthly craft contest? Each month Craft Forum posts a new contest. If you post and enter a photo, you are entered to win. They randomly draw one winner each month and that winner will receive a $50 gift card. You can join the forum here. link

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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Ready Made Magazine Discount - WOW!

  This is a great price for one year. A savings of 13.95! It is regularly 19.95. If you go to the Ready Made site, they are running a special for two years for 19.95 - buy one year get one free.

You could use your $5 Amazon certificate from Swagbucks and only owe a dollar! If you don't have Swagbucks join here and start saving today!

Valentine Freebie

Download, print, cut and fold this adorable Valentine Pillow Box Freebie. Fill it with treats and surprise your Valentine. Down load the file here.


Today's Hobbies, Arts & Crafts Articles

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