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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Sticky Note Clip Boards

Dollar Store Crafts shares a tutorial for back to school sticky note clip boards. Not only would they be good for back to school, but for teacher gifts, goodie bags, or hostess gifts. [link]

Friday, January 20, 2012

Saving Scuffed Shoes

We have more shoes around our house that look like the before picture above than I would like to admit too. Black leather shoes are required wearing for school uniforms, and my daughter goes through them like water. Now I have a solution! What an ingenious idea. Thank you She Wears Flowers for the solution. I can't wait to get started salvaging shoes. You can too, here is the link. [link]

Zip-it Coin Purse

Oh me, Oh my a zipper and a ribbon. Yeap, that's what Craft Passion used to make these coin purses. So clever, so smart. Reading through the tutorial, I still am not sure I have how it's done. You know you want to take a look, here is the link. [link]

Soda Can Purse

RaraAvis shared this gem on Craftster. I love the idea. I am not sure about the staples, I think they would snag your clothing. Using the same concept, I am thinking glueing them together on a substrate or joining them on the backside with something similar to soldering or even taping. [link]

Braided Rag Rug Tutorial

The Homestead Weaver Studio shares a tutorial for a historical craft making rugs from strips of rags. I love the look of this one in the image. I am wondering how it would do with strips of plastic grocery bags? [link]

Thursday, January 19, 2012

45 Years of Fiskars

From Fiskars:

Join the Celebration — the Original Orange-Handled Scissors Turns 45!
First introduced in 1967 as a fabric scissors, our Original Orange-Handled Scissors™ redefined the standard for quality and cutting precision. Not only was it much lighter and more comfortable than forged scissors, it also far outperformed them. Check out our page on Facebook to help us celebrate the 45th anniversary of our iconic Orange-Handled Scissors. Our celebration begins on January 17 with a fun-filled 45-day countdownleading up to the first day of National Craft Month on March 1. Like us on Facebook to join the celebration and check out all the contests, prizes, fun facts, artist features and more.

Flower Pot Holder

Delights-Gems offers a free crochet tutorial for these colorful pot holders. I tend to crochet washcloths when we take long car trips but I think this will be my new go to crochet project. [link]

Bunny Treats for Easter

The Mother Huddle shares a tutorial for the cutest Easter treats. Maybe for classmates or Sunday School classes? [link]

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Garden "Stakes"

I love this idea. I found the image on Pinterest, but couldn't track back to the creator. I have tried a ton of different marking ideas in my garden, none lasted the entire season. These just might do it! I am thinking of trying this idea on bricks and then bury then half way into the earth - so many options, my mind is swimming. 

Monday, January 16, 2012

Button Bowl #2

I found this version on Pinterest. I followed the link to Tays Rock but I am unable to tell the original post. Tays Rock states the bowl is held together with wire but upon close inspection, it appears to be sewn.

Looking for supplies?
Buttons - assorted sizes and colors

Free Valentine's Printables

Craftionary has collected links to 75 Valentine's Day printables. [link]

Tote Bag Tutorial Round-Up

I’ll admit it, I have a few weaknesses and tote bags happen to be one of them. I have totes inside of totes, I have free totes, store bought totes, crafted totes and sewn totes. I have designated totes for bible study and meetings and kids stuff – I seem to have a definite affliction when it comes to totes. So, to enable my weakness a bit further, here is a round-up of free tote patterns.

 I Am Momma Hear me Roar [link]

 Multi pocket Urban Tote from Bag 'n-telle [link]

Multi-pocket tote from Martha Stewart [link]

Six pocket tote from Better Homes and Gardens [link]

Tool Tub Tote from Sew4home [link]

Button tote from Creative Maven [link]

Denim tote with leather handles from Between the Lines [link]

Cinch it tote from All People Quilt [link]

Fold Away Shopping Tote from Crafty Ady [link]

Organize Tote Basket from 2 little hooligans [link]

Bagsket Tutorial from Foofanagle [link]

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sew a Penguin

The Purl Bee offers a tutorial/pattern for these cute penguins. [link]

DIY Tape Dispenser

American Woodworker shares a post with a tape dipsenser. The tutorial isn't step by step documented but it does give you measurements for the pieces. You could probably figure it out from the information given. I definitely want one of these! What a great idea. [link]

Sewing Stitches Defined

Whip Stitch Fabrics offers a grand primer to help identify all you sewing machine stitches. You can click through individual stitches, each has a description. [link]

Crochet Kaleidoscope Hot Pads Pattern: Free

A free pattern for Kaleidoscope hot pads from Cylinda Mathews on Ravelry. [link]


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