Not to worry, all content will remain for a time. It has also been transfered to a new location, Try it - Like it. Try it - Like it will continue all the great craft postings similar to those found here but it will also include, eat-it, buy-it, read-it, link-it and win-it. Please visit the new site, look around and then join the mailing list, or like it on Facebook or on Networked Blogs to continue to receive great content. link

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Five Free E-Books

Holiday Greetings Christmas Crafters:

Get 'em while they're hot! FaveCrafts is bursting with new craft projects for the holiday season. We have put together Christmas crafts and goodies into 5 eBooks. Download and print a free craft eBook for crafting inspiration at your fingertips. This week's five free craft eBooks will help you craft the perfect decorations and gifts for your friends and family.

In the first eBook, Holiday Ideas for Gifts in a Jar, you can find 34 projects to give as gifts, decorate your home and make lovely desserts out of. Some of which include chocolate body scrub, a snowman cookie jar, s'mores in a jar and more. more...

In the second eBook, Homemade Christmas Gift Guide, you can find 65 pages of gifts organized by recipient such as bath mitts for mom, a t-shirt scarf for your brother, wine coasters for your husband and small gift exchanges. more...

In the third eBook, Santa's Guide to Easy Christmas Crafts for Kids, find 24 kid-friendly Christmas crafts including frosty the snowman stand, sparkle name stockings and easy ribbon wreaths. more...

In the fourth eBook, Creative Ideas for the Holiday Home from Creative Home Arts Club, find a great resource for using all of your favorite techniques to make holiday gifts and decorations. more...

In the fifth eBook, Quick and Easy Christmas Crafts, find over 25 great crafts including ornaments, kids' crafts, greeting cards, gift ideas and more. more...

Childen's Art Thank You Notes

A great idea for grandma or teacher. Make printed thank you notes out of art work. more...

Free Picture Frame Sample

Receive a free sample photo frame in 3 - 4 weeks.
Only one sample per household. more...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Art Bead Gift Certificate Give-Away! - ENDED

This Offer has ended.

One (1) Lucky Craft Connection reader will win one (1) $25 gift card to Art Beads!

Here is how you get one (1) entry:
  • Leave a comment about this give-away. (no duplicates please)

Here is how you can score up to three (4) extra entries:
  • Subscribe to Craft Connection by joining Google Friends on the right hand bar. Leave a comment to let me know you did it!
  • Blog about this give-away and include a link so your readers can enter to win too. Come back here and leave a comment to let me know you've done it with a link to the post.
  • Follow Craft Connection on Facebook . Come back here and leave a comment to let me know you did it!
  • Visit Art Beads and come back here to let me know the most interesting product you found!

Hurry and Enter Now!

You have until Thursday, December 10, 2009 at midnight Eastern to get your entries in! A winner will be selected randomly through and announced here on Friday, December 11, 2009.

Good Luck Everyone!

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This gift certificate has been provided by Art Beads free of charge with no additional requirements or endorsements necessary.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Companies Promote Free Kids Programs

Looking for free activities for your children? There are a few options available that are companies are sponsoring. Lowes offers Build and Grow Clinics, Home Depot offer Kids Workshops, and Michael's offers The Knack which is a kids craft and activities program. Check out the links below:


Home Depot


Sunday, November 29, 2009

Free Rocky Water Sample

 Just Add Water!! And Watch Them Grow!! 

Use RockyWater Crystals to aid in growing and maintaining beautiful house plants, outdoor plants, and shrubs!  A single teaspoon of dehydrated polymers will yield 1 cup of crystals.


Free Stencil Ruler

Complete the form to receive a free stencil ruler.


Free Thank You and Kindness Cards

Receive free cards to hand out that say Thank You and Kindness.



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