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Friday, October 16, 2009

Free Digital Prints

Looking for a place to print your digital photo prints for free? This site offers a collection of all the companies that offer free digital prints. Here...

Free Photo Books

Buy one get one free

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One free 20 page soft cover photo book

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Kid's Crafts

How to Craft a Felt Scarf
Fleece or felt scarves make great gifts and these scarves are quickly made in one afternoon. This is a great project for young teens to craft and wear or give to their friends as gifts. Consider making them in school colors to show team spirit. How about for a scouting project? They could also be made and donated to homeless shelters, making this craft a great outreach project. More...


How to Cut a Paper Snowflake
Traditional wintertime crafts include the cutting of paper snowflakes. Both young and young at heart enjoy watching the transformation take place, from plain paper into an exciting reveal of shape and wonderment. Not a winter with children around should pass that doesn't include this project. Can you remember being so amazed the first time you watched someone cut a paper snowflake? Passing along the tradition might be something you desire, but you can't quite remember how to fold the paper. More...


How to Cut a Chain of Paper Dolls
Cutting paper dolls is a favorite activity for children throughout the ages. Using basic materials, you can obtain a variety of differences quickly and easily. You can add another level of variety and creativity by altering the kind of paper and adding additional decorations to the paper dolls. Fill hours of time and imagination with this craft. You may remember cutting a chain of paper dolls from your childhood but may not remember the exact procedure. More...


How to Craft a Pine Needle Bowl
A pine needle bowl can be used as a fall decoration for a coffee table or centerpiece. Made from
natural, found objects, this bowl can give any setting a natural, rustic look. This is an appropriate project to make with children--begin by taking a nature hike to collect the needles. Consider collecting some pine cones and nuts to add to the bowl or to be placed inside the bowl upon completion. There are no right or wrong ways to build this craft, and the end results are very professional looking, building the children's confidence, as well as making a thoughtful homemade gift.  More...


How to Make Valentine Candy Flowers
Making chocolate valentine candy flowers is easy and cost effective given the high prices of specialty chocolates.
With limited tools you can have professional results. This craft is easy to do with young children, too! More... 


How to Make a Paper Pinwheel Craft
A paper pinwheel amazes young children
in how you can take very simple items and turn them into something entirely different. You can use this craft to educate them on wind, movement and cause and effect actions. They'll enjoy these colorful personalized wind toys.  More...


How to Color Noodles
love to make crafts. Bright colors entice their minds and excite their creativity. Being able to explore, and make a bit of a mess, can develop their sense of independence. Making crafts is a learning experience. Working with glue and colored noodles is an inexpensive way to allow small children to express themselves and create a one of a kind masterpiece. 


How to Craft a Foam Magnetic Bookmark
Make a great craft for the reader in your life! This magnetic bookmark works well because it doesn't slip out of a book since the magnets hold the pages between the bookmark.
Pages will not be lost ever again. Place the bookmark along the outside edge of the page, instead of the top, and it can mark the exact line where reading was stopped. More...


How to Craft Sheets of Plastic From Paint
Creating "plastic" from paint is a simple technique with a very unusual outcome. The sheet of dry paint can be used in many decorative applications
. It is vibrant in color, flexible and stretches. You can cut it, punch it and stretch it around objects. The "plastic" is shiny and not at all like if you had just painted a surface. More...


How to Make a Fimo Pin
This craft project results in lovely items just right for gift
giving. Working with an oven baked clay like Fimo is simple enough to use for a craft with children and professional enough to make items for a craft show. More...

Great Website Finds

Upload your design or illustration and if chosen, they will put it on different textiles and sell your products. You get a free store. More...

Design your own fabric yardage and order it. Sample pieces available. Weekly design contests. More...

Yes the motor company, takes papercrafting to an elite level and you can print them out and assemble them yourself. Amazing, you really need to take a look!



Design the Next Glade® Scented Oil Candle Tin. Enter the contest for a chance to win $10,000 that you can use towards a home makeover! Over $20,000 in prizes!


Creative Costume Party Craft Contest
Entry deadline is February 15, 2010. So share your photos. It’s bound to be a costume ball!


On Angels
Deadline Nov 1, 2009
Art submissions in the following six categories will be accepted for entry:  1. Painting,  2. Computer Graphic Art, 3. Sculpting, 4. Drawing , 5. Mixed Media and 6. Photography.

Monday, October 12, 2009


Free sample of thread
Send a SASE and get a FREE skein, conversion chart, shop list and FREE sheet of charted designs!

Free HP Paper
Sign up for a free paper pack sample. You choose from a few options.

Removable wall decorations. Fill out form for one free sample.

Glue Dots
Follow the request on the link above. An SASE is recommended but not necessary.

Idea Paint
Turns any surface into a dry erase board. Get a free 3x5 sample.

Christian Crafts

 Advent Paper Chain
There are many ways to count down to Christmas. There are songs about it. Retail has take a cue from the season and transformed it into a list of shopping deals for the holiday season. Each year at church, we take the month of December off from creating crafts about the children's bible stories and make Christmas themed crafts. The Sunday before the month of December, we usually make an Advent. This year, it was a paper chain.

Secret Prize Soap Craft for Sunday School Children
Secret surprise soap craft used to illustrate a Sunday school lesson about when God rejects Saul. The relationship was to illustrate the idea of inside and outside, how God sees all. This soap has a surprise toy inside.
A game developed for the preschooler in mind. This craft results in a two player game that is compact, fun to play while using simple concepts. It is easily adaptable to other themes.

Create a three dimensional Christmas Angel with simple materials that result in a great look.

3D Paper Christmas Tree
A Christmas Tree craft suitable for at home use or in Sunday School. Christian Tree information included.


Looking for something different to carve onto your pumpkin? Maybe a bit more creative than a typical face? Here is a list of free pumpkin carving patterns and templates.
A variety of Halloween printables available online for free.
Halloween has gone to the dogs! Well at least the costumes. Here is a list of free patterns for pet costumes. 
A list of free and easy Halloween costume ideas and patterns for young and old alike. You don't have to spend a lot of money to enjoy this year's holiday celebration.


How to Use Filters in Photography

Photographic filters are the most important tool for a photographer beyond his camera and lens. Filters can be used to alter the look of a photograph instantly. The change can be subtle or drastic. And in some cases, the image would not be possible without the use of a filter. The following guides will help you learn how to better use these camera accessories.


How to Hold a Camera Steady

Holding a camera steady is one of the most important techniques to learn while taking pictures. No matter the kind of camera you have, holding it steady will result in clearer compositions.


How to Make Your Own Photography Backdrops

Photography can be an expensive career or hobby. Knowing when and where to save time and money can be instrumental. Obviously, there are areas where you can save money, and background fabric is one of them. You can make your own backdrop, or background fabric, for studio shooting sessions.

Basic Photography Vocabulary for Beginners

Interested in photography? Don't know the lingo? Here is a basic 101 level list of terms to get you started conversing with the pros. 


Photographer's Guide: An Exploration into How Your Camera's F-stop Works

You have a single lens reflex camera but don't really know much about how it works. Here is a lesson plan to get you on your way to understanding how f-stops work.

Holiday Ideas

 Creative Green Gift Wrapping
This holiday season make your gift giving all about giving green. Don't stop at the gift itself but make the wrapping green too. You can spend a ton of money on gift wrapping, often times adding substantially to the gift price. Why not try some of these gift wrapping ideas to ease your budget and be more earth friendly.

Family New Year's Eve
This year, I am beginning a New Year's resolution for our entire family. We have small children and often don't really celebrate this holiday. Long past are the days of going out to dinner or festivities on this eve, in place we have stayed home with our children, celebrated early and sometimes even gone to bed early! I've come up with a new idea that will help us celebrate together, at home. It's fun, doesn't cost a thing, and I think this is one we will keep for years to come.

Reclaim the Holidays
The holidays are hectic. Everyone's schedule seems to get filled and the pressure to make lasting impressions can cause one to fret. The holidays should be about sharing, spending time together and enjoying each other's company. To do this, you don't need to buy an expensive gift or have everything just so to make a lasting impression. Take a deep breath and consider making a few changes this holiday season to ease the pressure and make it more enjoyable for everyone, including you

Silver Metal Clay

Basic tools needed to work with precious metal clay

I recently took a PMC (precious metal clay) class. It was not my first experience with the medium and it will not be my last. I have begun collecting tools and supplies to be able to work with this medium on my own. In doing so, I have begun a list of the tools and supplies I like the most and the reasons why.


Introduction to working with precious metal clay

PMC is short for precious metal clay. Basically, it is a clay medium that has silver particles suspended within its make up. You can mold it and shape it into jewelry pieces as well as other applications. These applications seem to be only limited by your creativity. Be warned, it does dry out quickly and there is a bit of a learning curve to work with the clay because of it’s drying.



Non-traditional ideas to add color to silver metal jewelry.
Here is a list of kitchen items that could be useful for metal clay jewelry making.
Everyone has their favorites, here is a list of the PMC tools I find most important.
An art medium that combines traditional ceramics and jewelry making techniques in a unique way.


Today's Hobbies, Arts & Crafts Articles

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