Not to worry, all content will remain for a time. It has also been transfered to a new location, Try it - Like it. Try it - Like it will continue all the great craft postings similar to those found here but it will also include, eat-it, buy-it, read-it, link-it and win-it. Please visit the new site, look around and then join the mailing list, or like it on Facebook or on Networked Blogs to continue to receive great content. link

Saturday, January 7, 2012

DIY Fireplace Color Pinecones

I have fond memories of sitting on the hearth of the fireplace and watching the flames dance within the fireplace. We had a bag of Fireplace Pinecones that I loved to throw into the fire and watch the colors explode within the flames. I never understood my mother's warning, "use only a few of those". Now being an adult I understand the preciousness of those pinecones, they were expensive! If you would like to recreate this experience in your own home, I found a tutorial that teaches you how to make your own Fireplace Pinecones for a lot less than buying them. Thanks to Birds and Blooms for the lesson. [link]

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Spoonflower Offers A Book GiveAway

Enter yourself into a drawing for Sew and Stow, Betty Oppenheimer's book on sewing projects to help you get organized.  Just comment on there post [LINK] or on the corresponding Facebook post to enter this drawing, and include your Spoonflower screen name so we can find you easily.  Entries close at 7 pm EST on Tuesday, 1/10, and we'll announce a winner here on the blog on 1/11.  Good luck, everyone--and best wishes for a tidy 2012!

DIY - Custom Desk Calendar

 So you didn't get everything done you thought you would before the New Year? Do you still want to make a personalized desk calendar? Well, Ink Garden has a deal for you. You save 7.99 and can create a custom desktop calendar for just one dollar! What a steal. Even if you didn't think you were going to make one, you might just think twice with this deal. It is too hard to pass up! [link]

Desk Calendar for a $1 plus shipping/handling: USE CODE: DESKSP 
Shipping Rates:$4.99 for 1st calendar, $1.99 for each additional calendar

What's in Your Purse

This is a diversion from crafting, but rather fun. Take a short quiz over at Blogthings and see what the contents of your handbag say about you. [link]

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Craftsy Crafting Daily Deals

To Signup for Craftsy Crafting Daily Deals click on one of the deals, after signing up you get the full information about the deals offered.
Craftsy is the fastest growing online community for Crafters - with over 500,000 monthly unique visitors, having just launched in May 2011. This rapid growth results from two primary offerings which Craftsy users love:
1) Terrific online classes from amazing instructors for beginning, intermediate and advanced quilters, knitters, crocheters, sewists, jewelry makers, and other crafters.
2) Astonishingly good deals on crafting supplies: organic yarn, lovely fabrics and fat quarters from top designers, high quality needles, etc...  [link]

Tall Painting - Influence's?

Holton Rower's innovative painting technique is a simple idea that creates beautiful color combinations. I am wondering how this idea will influence your work?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Creators Exchange Community

The Creators Exchange is a place for you to connect with the world of crafts. Share your projects, connect with fellow crafters and join in on discussion groups (or start your own). Signing up is simple. The world of crafts is calling you, so come explore, share and connect. [link]

Learn to Bead for Free - A Dedicated Website

A site dedicated to teaching and sharing about beaded jewelry. Learn how to make jewelry with free bead patterns, free ebooks and more. Categories are listed by theme as well as materials. Even a seasons jewelry maker could find a tip or two! [link]

Free Beading e-Book

Everyone needs a place to start and every beader is always searching for new beading ideas.
This free eBook is a complete beading for beginners guide with quick and easy bead instructions. Each bead project includes a fabulous photo and step-by-step instructions. Turn to pages 6 and 7 for illustrated descriptions of the essential beading techniques such as crimping, knotting, wireworking, oxidizing silver, and more. If you already know how to string beads and are looking for inspiration or quick bead designs to make for your friends, this free eBook will also suit your needs. Don't wait! Start creating these easy pieces and use the inspiration to create your own designs. Download your eBook today!

Craftster Monthly Craft Challenge

Craft Challenge #71, Just Bead It, has been announced!
Your challenge this month is to create a project that features beads! Beads of all shapes, sizes, colors and materials are welcome. Just bead it!
Entries are due February 1 through February 8, 2012. Read all of the challenge details here.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Free Scrubbie Tutorial

Scrubbies! Make a ton of these and keep a stash of them. They make easy quick gifts for family and friends as well as hostess gifts. Use them in the kitchen or bath. Thanks to Ravelry for the free tutorial. [link]

Sunday, January 1, 2012

DIY Plastic Rose

I was amazed to find this tutorial. The end results are just beautiful. You can make your own rose pendant or brooch out of plastic spoons. The technique seems so easy. Thanks to Cut Out + Keep for the tutorial. [link]


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