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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring Jewelry

Little girls celebrate Easter with Easter eggs, Easter baskets and candy. Big girls - we celebrate with jewelry!  Here is a new bracelet I made just in time for Easter with all the colors of spring!

This design will vary with different kinds of beads used. I will post instructions later. The beads in this piece are from ArtBeads.

4.5 - 5mm Pastel Mix Potato Pearl

TOHO™ Bead Round 6/0 Sand-Lined Crystal 8g Bag 

Gold-Filled 2mm Round Seamless w/ 1.0mm Hole (1/20 14K) 

Disclosure: some of the materials for this necklace were kindly provided free-of-charge by blogging program. The author of this blog has not received any payment from above-mentioned company. This post represents only personal opinion of the blog author. 

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Monday, March 22, 2010

Easter Craft Printables

collection of examples
A great set of printables for Easter crafting. There are six different pages of templates. Two decorative Easter baskets - one with a pastel pattern, they other with a chocolate floral pattern. Another blank Easter basket is included for you to decorate the surface as you desire. Six egg holders in two designs - grass and tulips. An adorable bunny rabbit box for hiding your candy in. And finally the cutest little peep pillow box for gift giving, jelly bean collections or just about any thing you desire.

sample template page

 These are digital files and available for download immediately after payment. All six templates are available for $1.00 total. Use the button below to order yours now!

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