Not to worry, all content will remain for a time. It has also been transfered to a new location, Try it - Like it. Try it - Like it will continue all the great craft postings similar to those found here but it will also include, eat-it, buy-it, read-it, link-it and win-it. Please visit the new site, look around and then join the mailing list, or like it on Facebook or on Networked Blogs to continue to receive great content. link

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Scrapbooking Deals - – Sweet Deals for the Scrapbooking Addict!

At™, we sell all-things scrapbook. But here's the catch, we only sell one item at a time – at a delicious price. Every day several items will be posted – so act fast – a limited quantity will be sold at deeply discounted prices. No time to let it temper.

The Nib:

Several times a day, items will be sold on at delicious prices. It may be an embellishment shelf with all the works, a scrapbook kit, scrapbook tools or an organizer with some added goodies. What ever it is you can count on this – you'll get great products at outstanding prices.
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Craft Deals - Crafty Steals

I just found a great craft deal site:

What is Crafty Steals? is an online store that sells one crafting product a day at an unbelievable price.

Here's how it works:
     Crafty Steals sells one hot steal per day until it is gone.
     Everything is discounted up to 90% off retail price so they sell out fast.
 Act fast or you will miss out, once an item is gone, it's gone.

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Craft Idea - St. Patrick's Day - "Pot of Gold"

Outside of box

Inside of box - gold, paper, glitter

I knew the moment I received my package in the mail from UHU that I wanted to play off the idea of a pot of gold, given the theme of St. Patti’s Day. I began by painting the box with antique white on the outside and gold on the inside. I then lined the inside with the green ribbon like paper (using the UHU glue stick) that I had punched with clovers so that the gold would show through. For an added sparkle, I took one of the foam clovers provided and applied green glitter.

On the outside, I stamped the bottom half with stamps in a variety of green and gold to give it a visual texture similar to grass. Then, I applied the foam clovers to the top and let them trail off one side.
The Uhu glue, green paper, foam clover pieces and the star box were provided free of charge from Saunders.

Uhu glue can be found at 
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Friday, February 26, 2010

Fiber Necklace with Glass Dangle

finished Fiber Heart Necklace

detail of fibers and wire
This recent creatiion was very simple to make. Using fiber pieces for the chain and a glass dangle, a few knots and a few wire wraps and it's finished. Some of the items used to make this necklace can be found at Art Beads the links are provided below.

50 x 30mm Northern Lights Swirl Heart Pendant   JC-HTNLIT  

  Black Cotton Yarn with 3mm Mystic Black Pearls   59100C-BLKMBK3   

 Hand-Dyed Silk Smoke and Fire w/ Metallic Pink Edges  RBSILK-RDG-PNK 

Disclosure: some of the materials for this necklace were kindly provided free-of-charge by blogging program. The author of this blog has not received any payment from above-mentioned company. This post represents only personal opinion of the blog author.  
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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Craft Night

Starting this March the Craft & Hobby Association is challenging individuals, families and craft retailers to take the Craft Night Pledge of crafting one night a week with your friends and family. By participating in just one craft per week, people can enjoy the financial, social as well as the emotional and extrinsic benefits of crafting - including sense of accomplishment, memory keeping, relaxation, and spending time with friends and family. [link]

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Monday, February 22, 2010

Origami CD 5 Dollars

Get a CD of different Origami techniques from Ohio Distinctive Software. They are only five dollars a piece. [link]

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Quilter's Home Magazine

Try a free issue of Quilter's Home Magazine.

The magazine for quilters that's actually fun to read!


Jewelry Making Contest from Fire Mountain Gems

Be the next $1,000 grand prize contest winner and join internationally published designer-artists. Contest winners may be showcased in and on the following:
  • Full-page advertisements in leading jewelry-making magazines
  • Jewelry Maker's Comprehensive Catalogs and Flyers
  • Online Gallery of Designs
  • Email newsletter campaigns and press releases
All artists are invited to join the Jewelry Artists online showcase.
View contest guidelines and entry details here.
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