Not to worry, all content will remain for a time. It has also been transfered to a new location, Try it - Like it. Try it - Like it will continue all the great craft postings similar to those found here but it will also include, eat-it, buy-it, read-it, link-it and win-it. Please visit the new site, look around and then join the mailing list, or like it on Facebook or on Networked Blogs to continue to receive great content. link

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Paper Doll Freebies

image by The Angel Company
image by The Angel Company

I have always loved paper dolls and still do, so much fun to cut, color and dress and now to print. If you or your little one loves them too visit the Angel Company to download this cute paper doll template for free.
Thanks to Heather from Craft Gossip

Freebie: Valentine Digital Images

image by Rubber Punkin
image by Rubber Punkin

Click here to visit the Rubber Punkin blog and download this lovely digital Valentine images for free.

thanks Craft Gossip

Friday, January 22, 2010

Help for Haiti

ThriftyFun is donating $5 to the Red Cross for every eligible craft, pet, photo, tip or recipe submission they receive between now and the end of January, 2010. Yesterday's total was $235. They are making the payments daily and have donated $975 so far. You can participate too. Linky...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hancock Fabrics Newsletter

Interested in the newsletter from Hancock Fabrics? Use the link below to join now.
Sign Up for the OFFICIAL Hancock Fabrics Newsletter

Sizzix Discounts

Save 25% on Select In-Stock Texture Boutique and Textured Impressions at!
Use the colored logo for this offer:
25% Off Sizzix In-Stock Texture Botique & Textured Impressions Products

Additional $40 Off Oval Scallop Banner Value Pack w/Big Shot Express (Item #28848)
Use the colored logo for this offer:

Sizzix - $40 Off Oval Scallop Banner Value Pack w/Big Shot Express (Item#28848)

Save 25% on Select In-Stock Big Shot Express and Bigz Dies at!
Use the colored logo for this offer:
Sizzix - 25% Off Select In-Stock Big Shot Express and Bigz Dies

Save 25% on Select In-Stock Sidekick and Sizzlits Dies at!

30% Off Select In-Stock Sidekick and Sizzlits Dies
Use the colored logo for this offer:
Sizzix 30% Off Select In-Stock Sidekick and Sizzlits Dies

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Star Straw Craft

This is a really cool star made from straws. It was published in Life Magazine from 1959 - What a find!! Enjoy. view here...

Needlepoint Printables

 There is a year-long learning project happening on Cheryl Fall, the Needlepoint Guide wants you to lear new stitches by creating a stitch journal.

If you are new to needlepoint or you've been creating for a long time, you will find these pages useful.

Print them out and create your own journal!

Print and learn journal samples.

Individual stitches at a glance.

Needlepoint newsletter.

Monday, January 18, 2010

You Can Make This

You Can Make This!

Sign up to receive -  1 online YCMT episode on “Making Initial Tees”, as well as 8 ebooks on a variety of subjects- all for free! It is a bundle package worth $75. We are also thrilled to announce a 2nd NEW newsletter, all dedicated to the world of sewing. It is called the, “You Can Sew This!” newsletter. Those who subscribe to this will also receive 5 free, exclusive projects to download.  Just click on the image above.

Arts Cow Freebies

1200 freebies for new registers. and...

Free twenty-paged 8” x 8” photo books ::: Shipping extra.

Coupon code:
Expires on:
Effective Period:
30 days


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