Not to worry, all content will remain for a time. It has also been transfered to a new location, Try it - Like it. Try it - Like it will continue all the great craft postings similar to those found here but it will also include, eat-it, buy-it, read-it, link-it and win-it. Please visit the new site, look around and then join the mailing list, or like it on Facebook or on Networked Blogs to continue to receive great content. link

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Uglee Pens - Enter to Win

This Give Away is Closed

No it's not really ugly. Mine arrived in pink and I just love them. I went to grab it just like any other pen and immediately felt my hand backing off of my grip. I was pleasantly surprised. This is now my go to pen. The Ultimate Grip Pen by Dr. James Lee is a revolutionary ergonomic pen that is designed, created and used by a real physician. This Dr. inspired grip pen is redefining the way people view ergonomic pens. Try the UGLee Pen, you will love it. UGLee Pens are sold in packs of three, all in the barrel color of your choice. UGLee Pens come standard with a super-smooth, bold, black ink. UGLee Pens are refillable. Ink refills are available in additional colors. [link]

Enter to win your own set (you will be sent a package of 3)  of UgLee Pens. (color will be random)

Here is how you get one (1) entry:
    •    Leave a comment about this give-away. (no duplicates please)

Here is how you can score up to three (3) additional entries:
    •    Subscribe to Craft Connection by joining Google Friends on the right hand bar. Leave an additional comment to let me know you did it!
    •    Blog about this give-away and include a link so your readers can enter to win too. Come back here and leave a comment to let me know you've done it with a link to the post.
    •    Follow Craft Connection on Facebook . Come back here and leave a comment to let me know you did it!

Hurry and Enter Now!

You have until Thursday, September 8, 2011 at midnight Eastern to get your entries in! One winner will be selected randomly through and announced here on Friday, September 8, 2011.

Good Luck Everyone!

 Product review & giveaway disclosure: I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."]

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I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Curiosity Wonderment & Exploration Co.

Free printable 3D calendars of the month club. Sign up today to get yours sent to your email [link]


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