Not to worry, all content will remain for a time. It has also been transfered to a new location, Try it - Like it. Try it - Like it will continue all the great craft postings similar to those found here but it will also include, eat-it, buy-it, read-it, link-it and win-it. Please visit the new site, look around and then join the mailing list, or like it on Facebook or on Networked Blogs to continue to receive great content. link

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Submit Your Creativity to Sharpie

Sharpie's YouTube™ Takeover is coming. On August 27th, YouTube's homepage will showcase drawings, doodles, poems, pics, ANYTHING started with Sharpie! Submit your Sharpie creation to be part of it. What are you gonna start? [link]

Friday, August 12, 2011

Michael's Coupons

Michael's Coupons for August 14th only [link] 25% off your entire purchase - including sale items, 40% off Jolee's stickers, 60% off framing

Yarnplay Newsletter - Free

Monthly YarnPlay newsletter features creative projects for the young and young at heart. Each issue features patterns with step-by-step instructions and photos to help you learn new skills from interesting knit & crochet techniques to craft techniques! [link]

Winnie the Pooh Fans Celebrate

For all Winnie the Pooh fans, August 21 is the original Winnie the Pooh’s 90th birthday. Celebrate the day with your own Pooh inspired crafts. Disney's Family Fun has a bunch of recipes and craft ideas directly related to Winnie the Pooh! [link]

Trick Your Pumpkin - Craft Contest

From Plaid Craft:

We want YOU to create a three-dimensional pumpkin using your favorite Plaid products – and there are no limits to what you can create! All we ask is that the pumpkin be three-dimensional – this means that no flat pumpkins are allowed – the actual pumpkin body itself must be at least 1/8” thick. Possibilities include real pumpkins, craft pumpkins, paper mache, clay pots, wood, fabric and more. Use your imagination and Trick Your Pumpkin!

Trick Your Pumpkin Rules:

  • Contestants must use at least ONE eligible Plaid product as part of the construction of their pumpkin. Eligible Plaid products include: Mod Podge (any formula), Dimensional Magic, FolkArt paint (any formula), Extreme Glitter, Apple Barrel (any formula), Glo Away, Stiffy
  • Contest is open to all ages
  • Images are accepted as submissions to our Plaid Community site ( Please title your image “Project Name – TYP” to be considered. We must be able to see obvious usage of eligible Plaid product(s) in the image.
  • Contest will run from August 11th through October 14th. All entries must be submitted by midnight EST on October 16th.
  • Judging will be completed the week of October 17th and winners will be announced on October 24th.

Prizes include:
Grand Prize: $100 cash and a Plaid gift basket of merchandise worth $50 retail value
Runners-Up: 5 recipients will receive a Plaid gift basket of merchandise worth $50 retail value.
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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Handcrafted Jewelry Studio eMag

Discover handcrafted jewelry making like you've never seen it before with this brand-new, revolutionary resource!

Introducing the groundbreaking new eMag! Step inside an exciting new world of mixed-media jewelry making through how-to videos, extended photo galleries, and more—right on your computer screen. Click here to buy now!

Get Creative with Avery

Enter to win a basket full of Avery products. Like them on Facebook for a chance to win. [link]


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