Not to worry, all content will remain for a time. It has also been transfered to a new location, Try it - Like it. Try it - Like it will continue all the great craft postings similar to those found here but it will also include, eat-it, buy-it, read-it, link-it and win-it. Please visit the new site, look around and then join the mailing list, or like it on Facebook or on Networked Blogs to continue to receive great content. link

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Nora Jones - New Album - Featuring

Nora Jones new album Featuring is available for purchase as of November 16th. I received a copy of it for review. The album is a creation that took a decade to create. Each title is a collaboration with a variety of popular artists. Reading through the tracks it is a who’s who in the music industry.

Artists and crafters tend to like to listen to music as they create. This album would serve the purpose of setting a creative mood well. It is easy to listen too and rather calming.  If you close your eyes, it sounds like the musicians are right there beside you playing without any fancy technology altering the performances.

The track list is as follows:
1. Love Me – The Little Willies
2. Virginia Moon – The Foo Fighters featuring Norah Jones
3. Turn Them – Sean Bones featuring Norah Jones
4. Baby It's Cold Outside – Willie Nelson featuring Norah Jones
5. Bull Rider – Norah Jones and Sasha Dobson
6. Ruler Of My Heart – Dirty Dozen Brass Band featuring Norah Jones
7. The Best Part – El Madmo
8. Take Off Your Cool – OutKast featuring Norah Jones
9. Life Is Better – Q-Tip featuring Norah Jones

10. Soon The New Day – Talib Kweli featuring Norah Jones 
11. Little Lou, Prophet Jack, Ugly John – Belle & Sebastian featuring Norah Jones
12. Here We Go Again – Ray Charles featuring Norah Jones
13. Loretta – Norah Jones featuring Gillian Welch and David Rawlings
14. Dear John – Ryan Adams featuring Norah Jones
15. Creepin' In – Norah Jones featuring Dolly Parton
16. Court & Spark – Herbie Hancock featuring Norah Jones
17. More Than This – Charlie Hunter featuring Norah Jones
18. Blue Bayou – Norah Jones featuring M. Ward

Norah Official Site:

This item was provided free of charge for my honest review of the products through the One2One Network.  

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Avery Makes Holidays Easier

Who needs a team of elves when you’ve got a sleigh-full of free holiday templates from Avery!

Just in the nick of time—personalize your address and shipping labels, gift tags, invitations and more.

To get started: just download the all new Avery Wizard 4.0 software. Then add the free holiday designs (separate download) and you're on your way! [link]

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Paper Crafts Magazine Deal 2 for 1

1-year subscription to Paper Crafts for only $19 -- and send a FREE gift subscription to a friend. That's two subscriptions for the price of one![link]

Monday, November 15, 2010

Dazzles e-book from Paper Wishes

Paper Wishes is offering a free gift of Thanksgiving. An e-book about Dazzles. It includes projects, videos and printable designs. Download yours for free [link]

Carol Doak’s FREE Keepsake Frame Block projects

Carol Doak's Keepsake Frame Cards are now available in stores, and to give you a jump on your handmade holiday greeting projects, Carol Doak has provided an array of holiday themed block patterns for free download.[link]


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