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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Ribbon and Pearls Necklace

These are beautiful necklaces and they appear oh so easy. What a great gift they would make. Cherrry Bubbins shares a step by step tutorial. [link]

Friday, October 28, 2011

Beautiful Cracked Marbles

These marbles were baked causing them to crack. Bake the marbles on a cookie sheet at 325 - 350 for 20 minutes. As soon as you take them out of the oven, put them in a metal bowl of cold water and ice. Plain marbles can be found in the floral department of the crafting stores. Any translucent colored glass marble will work. instructions found on Craftster.

Zest Tote Bags - Free Pattern

Jo-Ann's offers a free pattern to create these tote bags. This is a great weekend project with a skill level of 2 meaning some experience is necessary. [link]

Thursday, October 27, 2011

DIY Pumpkins

Or as my daughter says, Punkmen. Tutorial provided by The World of Recycling. The blog is in Spanish but this link will provide you with a translated version of the site. [link]

Buttons and Bow Ornament

A Sprinkle of this and a Dash of that has the cutest ornament photos of a few she made. There is no tutorial but I think you can figure it out. If you want to see a few more images and a close up, follow the link - they are about half way down the page. [link]

Felt Ornaments - Free PDF Pattern

Adorable! Download your pdf pattern from Stumbles & Stitches. [link]
more very cute ornament pictures shown as well!

Felt Rose Bowl

Take a look at this felt rose bowl from Uncommon Goods. I am sure you can figure out how to make one from the photo and for a lot less than $75 dollars - unless you want to spend the $75 dollars!

The following image was seen on Pinterest. Very similar!
Can you make one?

If you follow the link above for Uncommon Goods, 
you can enlarge the image and see details if you are interested. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Snow Men Craft

I just love these Glowing Snowmen from Stuff by Ash. She has a great tutorial on her blog. I am going to have to make these with my kids - what a great Christmas break craft! [link]

Monday, October 24, 2011

Free Business Cards and Holiday Cards

While Vistaprint is a great site for business, you can also benefit from their services for home use. 

I have used Vistaprint for years to print a personalized family business card. We carry a few with us and give them out whenever we meet new friends and need to share contact information. These are great for the kids to carry with them in case of an emergency. When a new friend comes over for a play date, we hand the parent our card so they can contact us if needed. It is just a great piece of mind to have knowing it is printed well and easy to read. 

Another opportunity I have used Vistaprint for is to print out Holiday Cards. Similar to going to a photo store and ordering your holiday prints, do it online and often for free or at least definitely less money than others places. I typically order a postcard. We use a photo collage on the front and a printed update on the back. It is less postage to send a postcard than it is to send an envelope and I have been using this idea for a few years now to be a bit more frugal.

Sign up for their email list and receive great savings in your inbox. It is worth signing up for them. [link]

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Promotional Items for Craft Businesses

Yes, a Craft Business can utilize promotional items. Promotional products are not just made for large businesses. Many companies allow you to place a small minimum of any promotional item. So, how can you benefit most from using them?

As a card making related business, how about using a calendar promotional for your clients to list all their birthdays and anniversary dates in. Never forgetting a date can assist them in buying more card making supplies for all those celebrations.

A scrapbooking business could use a quality pen as a give away item. Maybe something to give with purchase?

Food related businesses that use recipes or mixes could gift an apron with their logo imprinted.

A variety of businesses use custom envelopes. Thinking outside the box, can you utilize an envelope for something other than mailing? Envelopes come in a variety of sizes. Does one fit your product well? Maybe a set of cards, recipe cards, instruction cards or small items that are easy to loose. Imprinted envelopes can be put to a great use. Maybe this will stimulate a new idea for you.

Do you teach classes on couponing or saving money? How about a coupon holder, refrigerator magnet or shopping list note pad.

Imprinted Binders could be used for a variety of small businesses that utilize a form of training. A savings business could use the binder for couponing, an organizing business could utilize a binder to contain organizational forms or instructional lists. A cooking business could file recipes in a printed binder for clients.

Totes are a very popular item. Can you use a printed tote bag for a promotion?

This is just a starter list of promotion ideas. You know your business best and can probably take this idea and personalize it best to suit your needs.

Rubber Stamps for your Crafting Business

As a crafter, you have many possible needs for using rubber stamps. Some you may have considered, others might be something new for you. 

Discount Rubber Stamps offers self inking stamps. How can you benifit from this? How about using them on price tags or business cards. They even carry stamps that contain facebook, twitter and the blogger logo so you can use them to promote your links. 

Date stamps are also available. Great for filling out invoices or dating items upon completion of creation. Maybe you make a food product or an item that might expire. A date stamp would quickly label your items with a creation date or expiration date. 
Inspection stamps are great for items that need to be evaluated and approved. Do you approve the quality of your products? An inspection stamp might be just what you need. 

A few other options that you might not have considered before would be stamps for a QR code. Similar to a bar code but it read by a smart phone. It can link to your website or pricing or information about your company. You can create a QR code for free and Discount Rubber Stamps can turn it into a stamp. 

As a small business, you can use rubber stamps to fill the need of what larger companies send to a printer. The benefit of a customized rubber stamp is that you don't have to pay for a minimum quantity. You can use and create with the stamp a small or large amount as your business needs while still being perceived as a quality company.


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