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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Wire-wrap Rosette Ring Tutorial

A sweet little rosette wire ring tutorial from McFarland Designs. There are great step by step images. [link]

PrintRunner Sticker Give-away

A unique way to promote your products. Stickers! How about using them to seal your sold items? What a great marketing tool. Print Runner is offering free stickers to one lucky Craft Connection reader. Enter to win now!

Maybe your are not a crafter that sells their product. How about a business card sticker for your family or labels to identify your "stuff". Keep in mind if the size of the sticker is too large, you can put two designs on one sticker and just cut them down when you get them! I did this once - worked great!

PrintRunner is your convenient online  print service resource. Check out their site and try printing sticker from them.

Details of the giveaway prize:      Stickers
                       Sticker Shape           :       Standard Stickers
                       Flat Width              :       2"
                       Flat Height             :       3.5"
                       Quantity                :       250
                       Paper                   :       Premium Sticker Stock
                       Colors                  :       Full Color ( 4 Color Process), Black and White
                       Proof                   :       NONE
                       Ready to Ship In        :       3 Business Days
               *Giveaway is open to US Residents only, ages 18 years old and above.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thank you to PrintRunner for providing us this giveaway, I will receive a set of stickers for hosting this.

DIY Magnetic Notepad

I have to admit, I am a bit of a push over when it comes to magnetic note pads. But, I don't like the price. I guess I could add a magnet to any old note pad, but I never do. I loved finding this DIY project on the Curbly website [link]. Plus, there are free downloads for the pages to print at home: four grocery lists and four task lists.

Wrapped Bracelet DIY

Here is a visual tutorial for making a bracelet with flexible vinyl (PVC) tubing, thread - wool, silk etc to your taste, double sided tape (5 mm width), and a knitting needle. Here is a link to the full tutorial, it is in Russian [link]. If you would like to translate it, try using Babblefish. 

DIY Sharpie Dinnerware

I have seen this technique on a lot of blogs and I have read a lot of reviews about this project. My first concern would be the comments about the toxicity of the ink. I search on the Sharpie website and found the pens to be a "Quick-drying ink AP certified nontoxic formula". First hurdle accomplished. The next concern I had was the ink washing off. I don't have a tried and true solution for this. I would recommend against putting it in the dishwasher. But other than that, I think it is a grand project and one worth trying. As I said, there were a lot of sites with instructions but the one I found first was at The Sweetest Occasion [link]. 


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