Not to worry, all content will remain for a time. It has also been transfered to a new location, Try it - Like it. Try it - Like it will continue all the great craft postings similar to those found here but it will also include, eat-it, buy-it, read-it, link-it and win-it. Please visit the new site, look around and then join the mailing list, or like it on Facebook or on Networked Blogs to continue to receive great content. link

Friday, November 6, 2009

New England Country Charm Craft Giveaway - Monthly!

Every month New England Country Charm Crafts will give away a gift to a lucky winner!
Fill out their form to enter.
The winner will be drawn on the 28th of the month and notified by email.


Free Newsletter available from Lion Brand Yarn

New patterns, product alerts, special offers, knit and crochet lessons all delivered to your email address. Apply through the link below:

Craft Sweeps

FavCrafts is offering a free sweeps craft kit. This weeks offering is:
Dimensions Punch Needle Bird On Branch Kit
Dimensions Punch Needle Tool & Threader

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Four New Newsletters

Brand New Newsletters available from FavCrafts:

Hooked On Crochet from AllFreeCrochet - free crochet patterns, tips, tricks, lessons and more.
Quick and Crafty from FaveCrafts - free craft projects, craft ideas, tips, patterns, contests and more.
Quick and Easy Recipes from RecipeLion - free recipes, cooking tips, menu planning, contests and more.
        Quick and Healthy Recipes from FaveDiets - free healthy recipes,
        diet tips, menu planning, contests and more.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Better Homes and Gardens Newsletters - Free

Choose your FREE newsletter(s) from Better Homes and Gardens:

Sunday, November 1, 2009

E-Book: Keeping Kids Busy

E-Book: Soap and Cosmetics

E-Book: 20 Vintage Crochet Patterns

If you love to crochet, then this book is for you. The patterns in this book are easy to crochet and are top selling items at craft shows. These patterns also make amazing gifts for your friends and family.

E-Book: 33 Interesting Craft Projects eBook

This book includes 33 fun crafts, which are great for kids and adults.

E-Book: 25 Easy to Make Homemade Jewelry

Quick Crafty and Simple, Perfect for Yourself or Gifts- Find 25 amazing pieces of jewelry to keep for yourself or give as a lovely gesture.

E-Book: Sewing for Beginners eBook

Find 20 free sewing patterns and great resources for those learning how to sew, including guides to needles, caring for fabric and more.

E-Book: Great Gift Ideas: Knitting and Crochet Patterns from Red Heart Yarn eBook

Find 19 crochet and knitting patterns including afghans, scarves, hats, sweaters, bags and more. Find just the right project for your next autumn project.

E-Book: Quick and Easy Christmas Crafts eBook

Find over 25 quick and easy Christmas crafts for ornaments, home decor, kids' crafts, greeting cards and gift giving ideas. Crafts for every aspect of the holidays.

E-Book: Faster Plaster eBook

We're excited to share our 50 newest designs in this fun eBook format.

E-Book: 25 Sewing Crafts from Bloggers eBook

 In this eBook you’ll find tutorials and patterns for everything from practical and budget-friendly clothing patterns, holiday projects, lovely bags and clutches, and decorations for your home.

E-Book: Great Decor in a Flash Without a Lot of Cash eBook from Dow

This new eBook from Dow Chemical Company is full of home decorating ideas using STYROFOAM™ brand foam. Find 29 craft projects for low-cost wall art and other decorative accents.

E-Book: Fun with Fabric Dye eBook from Tulip

This is the ultimate handbook for inspiration and instruction on a multitude of fabric dye techniques. Find 28 fabric dye craft projects organized by 18 dye techniques. Plus, find two "tie-dye" ceramics crafts.

E-Book: Creative Ideas for the Holiday Home eBook from Creative Home Arts Club

This eBook is a great resource for using all of your favorite techniques to make holiday gifts and decorations. Find 20 craft projects, organized by Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

E-Book: Garden Crafts eBook

Garden Crafts eBook As summer approaches, you might want to spruce up your garden with some decorative flower pots or painted watering cans. What better way to get the latest crafting ideas than by using our FREE Garden Craft eBook?

E-Book: Cheap and Easy Crafts Free eBook

Cheap and Easy eBook If you are on a craft budget (and who isn't in the current economy?), have a look at this collection of 60 low-cost craft projects, sorted into categories such as needle craft, home decor, crafts for kids and more!

E-Book: Free Crafts - Angel Crafts

Free eBook: Angel Crafts featuring 45-Pages of our best Angel Crafts. Perfect for Christmas or any holiday! Bonus: Get the Quick & Crafty Newsletter for FREE! This brand new FREE eBook collection has everything from angel craft patterns and Kitchen Angel Crafts to Christmas Angel Crafts and Wire Angel Craft projects

E-Book: 39 Low-Cost Kitchen Crafts

Decorating the kitchen does not have to be expensive. With this collection of 39 low-cost kitchen crafts, you can create purely decorative accents or essential kitchen items, such as storage boxes, dishcloths or even a wall clock, that also perk up the space.


Today's Hobbies, Arts & Crafts Articles

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