Not to worry, all content will remain for a time. It has also been transfered to a new location, Try it - Like it. Try it - Like it will continue all the great craft postings similar to those found here but it will also include, eat-it, buy-it, read-it, link-it and win-it. Please visit the new site, look around and then join the mailing list, or like it on Facebook or on Networked Blogs to continue to receive great content. link

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Craft Magazines

Find deals on craft magazines. Here are a few examples:

Bead & Button
Bead & Button
Regular price: $29.95
Sale price: $21.95
Bead StyleBead Style
Regular price: $20.95
Sale price: $13.95

Regular price: $35.00
Sale price: $22.95
Creative Kids
Creative Kids
Regular price: $24.00
Sale price: $17.95
Creative Knitting
Creative Knitting
Regular price: $19.99
Sale price: $14.95
Crochet !
Crochet !
Regular price: $19.99
Sale price: $14.95
Crochet World
Crochet World
Regular price: $14.97
Sale price: $9.95
Regular price: $19.97
Sale price: $13.95


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    Tuesday, November 10, 2009

    Craft Newsletters

    C&T Publising offers two craft related newsletter free:
    Fiber Arts Newsletter
    Papercrafts Newsletter
    These newsletter contain contest, project and more.

    Newsletters from Real Simple

    Free E-mail Newsletters

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    Weekly Tips
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    Lemonade as dish-washing liquid? Get surprising cleaning tricks, health advice, beauty secrets, clutter busters, etiquette musts, and more simple solutions for your everyday life. 

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    Holiday Cookie Recipe of the Day
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    Real Simple Weddings
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    Get your weekly delivery of wedding know-how: budget breakdowns, invitation wording, and bridesmaid duties. It’s weddings simplified for a busy bride.


    Monday, November 9, 2009

    Hopeful Art Offers Free Sticker

    You have the power to change the world.

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    Your are Beautiful

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    Diamond Glaze Sample

    Diamond Glaze
    is a dimensional adhesive that dries to a clear glass-like finish. It securely holds vellum, Embossable Window Plastic, glass beads, glitter and many other mediums. Unlike other clear adhesives, Diamond Glaze™ is mixable with dye-based inks, watercolor, pearlescent pigments and more. Give it a try,  receive a sample follow the link.



    Today's Hobbies, Arts & Crafts Articles

    craft site link exchange

    A site dedicated to building link popularity between craft oriented web sites. By becoming a member (It's 100% FREE) you will be linked with many other craft sites around the world. And, as such, you will be improving you PageRank & Link Popularity with Google and many other search engines.



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