Not to worry, all content will remain for a time. It has also been transfered to a new location, Try it - Like it. Try it - Like it will continue all the great craft postings similar to those found here but it will also include, eat-it, buy-it, read-it, link-it and win-it. Please visit the new site, look around and then join the mailing list, or like it on Facebook or on Networked Blogs to continue to receive great content. link

Friday, December 30, 2011

Free Printable Calendar

From The Craft Map, a free printable calendar that includes craft tutorials. [link]

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Mouse Pincushion Tutorial

I know, you only need one pin cushion but these are just too cute not to make this one. The site is in Russian and the link provides it as an English translation using Babblefish. The directions are sparce but I think you can get the gist of things from the pictures. [link]

Enter to Win: Bead Sphere Tutorial

Bead Sphere Jewelry is offering one lucky winner from Craft Connection a free tutorial. Visit the Bead Sphere Etsy store to see all the offerings. [link]

Enter to win:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, December 26, 2011

2012 Calendar Printable - Free

Happy New Year! Enjoy this free printable calendar from Craft Connection. Each page contains two months. Once printed, just cut down the middle for a retro inspired 4.25" x 11" calendar. Great for gift giving. All files are .pdf [link]

You may post a link to this page or print multiples out for sharing. However, please don't share the file directly. Thanks for your cooperation!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Batik with Crayons

A slight twist on batik. This version is done with melted crayons incorporating the color and wax together then applying one dye bath to get the black batik affect at the end. Thanks to Suzy's Artsy-Craftsy Sitcom for the tutorial. [link]

Friday, December 16, 2011

Felted "Stone" Rug

This rug was made from felted wool yarn remnants. I found the image on Pinterest. There were not real directions I could link too for you to follow. But it made me wonder, could something similar be done with dryer lint? I am going to have to give it a go and report back to you. I may need to find something to work as a binder or encase the link in a stocking type mesh to hold it's shape. Something to think about and experiment with!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

3D Printable Calendar

Print your own 3D calendar. Or is it art? Either way, it is visually appealing. You can find it on the Canon Creative Park, it is created by Erico. [link]

Want a more kid friendly version? Try this one! [link]
And, you can view other printable files available from this artist as well as others. 

Christmas Utensil Holders - DIY

A festive paper project to add whimsy to your table setting for Christmas. Even the kids can get in on this one. Thanks to Stamp with Heather for the tutorial on this one. [link]

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Book Give Away - Enter to Win

A great Christmas present arrived in the mail today. What made it great? It was unexpected and there were two of everything asking me to share them on my blog as a give away or to use them for gift giving. The gift you wonder? A set of books from Lark. 

The set consists of eight books (great for the eight days of Hanukkah). The series takes about 100 favorite images from the 500 series and puts them into a pocket sized gift book. Each book is 5 x 5 inches. The categories are: earrings, pendants, handmade books, art tiles, chairs, tables, handmade dolls and ceramic sculptures. 

I will send a complete set to one lucky winner. 

Only entries with a US address please 
(unless you want to pay for the shipping)

If Raflecopter is down and you would like to enter, please leave comments:

Which book from the group would you desire the most?
Follow Craft Connection on Facebook
Follow Lark on Facebook
Follow Craft Connection on Twitter

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Cosmetic Bag Tutorial

Sew your own cosmetic bag. This free tutorial is offered by Sew Like My Mom. [link]

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Shag Rug Tutorial

What to do with all your old worn out t-shirts? Craft with them of course. This has to be one of my favorite crafts made from t-shirts. Maybe it's the colors. Tutorial provided by Rags by Sock Monkey. [link]

Reading through the instructions makes me think of a few changes/additions:

  • I don't see why once you have a row done, you couldn't run it through the sewing machine to make it more secure and sturdy - just sewing along the edge of the back side making sure to miss the fringe. 
  • I am also thinking this could be made with fleece. On the shag side, pulling the fleece makes it curl so it would add a different kind of texture, great for a little girls room or bathroom. I can see it in purples and pinks - too cute!

Decoupage Candle

Crafting Rebellion shares a tutorial on how to make Vera Bradley decoupage battery operated candles. While the tutorial uses mainly Vera Bradley print napkins, any napkin design as well as printed tissue paper would work great. [link]

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Outlet Humor

Too funny. Found on Pintrest and made with Sharpie markers. Simple. Quick. Fun. Surprise someone with a little chuckle when they notice it!

Infinity Scarf DIY

Make a no sew infinity scarf and it's inexpensive too! Thanks to My World - Made By Hand for the tutorial. [link]

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Terra Cotta Coasters DIY

I love this idea. Terra cotta coasters. Very simple to make and my favorite part is the idea that liquid doesn't run off and is contained in the coaster. Thanks to Joy Is At Home for this DIY decor idea. [link]

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Martha Stewart 50% off!

Good until Dec 12, 2011. This coupon can be used as a competitors coupon at Hobby Lobby and JoAnn's. [link]

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Russian Yarn Joining

Joining yarn together and have no ends to deal with when knitting or crocheting. Try out the Russian Join. Thanks to twist for posting the how to [link]

Monday, November 28, 2011

International Clay Contest

Metal clay tutorial contest with many possibilities of winning. [link]

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Icicle Ornaments Tutorial

Make your own icicle ornaments from a plastic soda bottle. You can get many from one bottle and they will not break like their glass counterparts. Thanks to Cut Out + Keep for the tutorial. [link]

Lamps From Straws

Thanks to addicted 2 decorating for this DIY project utilizing colored drinking straws. [link]

Cut Out and Keep has a different version of a starburst straw lamp. [link]

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Zipper Bracelets

What an idea! Using a zipper to create a bracelet! Great. Thanks to Cut Out + Keep for sharing the inspiration. [link]

Button Bowl DIY

Great light activity on the table surface from translucent buttons. This idea would have many options. Glue buttons around a balloon. Once dry, pop the balloon. Thanks to bonkers about buttons for the idea. [link]

another button bowl variation - [link]

Looking for supplies?
Buttons - assorted sizes and colors

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Ceiling Pendant DIY

Curled Paper Ceiling Pendant - now that isn't easy to say is it! But the tutorial is wonderful. Thanks to H is for Handmade for the tutorial that was shared on the Positively Splendid blog. This decor is made from rolled and folded paper strips but I am thinking toilet paper rolls could also work into your design and then spray paint it whatever color would work in your space. [link]

Monday, November 21, 2011

Make Bouncing Balls

Make homemade bouncing balls. What a fun craft idea for when kids are home for the holidays. I would have loved this when I was little. Who am I kidding? I still think it is cool! [link]

We tried these and I have a few comments:

Paper Stars (origami)

The simplicity of these stars make them elegant. I love the neutral color palette used but of course, a variety of color ideas could be suited for this project. Thanks to Home by linn for sharing the tutorial. Here is a link to the translated directions. [link]

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Aleene's Tacky Glue Gift Basket Give Away

Enter to win a great gift set of glues. Contest ends December 2, 2011 - just in time for Christmas gift giving! [link]

Colored Staples DIY

What a grand idea and so simple. Thanks to Twig & Thistle for sharing. [link]

Mitten Tutorial

Makeitandloveit shares a very simple mitten tutorial that you have to try. [link]

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Upgrade Your Post-it Notes DIY

Dress up your Post-it Notes for a quick and easy gift. Keep a few of these on hand for those unforseen needs. They also make great teacher gifts. Thanks to Beneath My Heart for an easy to follow tutorial. [link]

Holiday Decor

Holiday inspiration. The original artist created this from hand painted wooden balls, and it sells for $135. [link] But I was thinking this could be done with ornaments (for a lot less) and used for Christmas or Hanukah. 

Fun with Mugs

What fun ideas for dad's or office mates. A quick visit to the dollar store for the mugs and some ceramic paint ( Enamel Paint Pots ) and you have it.

Alcohol Ink Tiles DIY

Who knew? Alcohol inks (Ranger Adirondack Lights Alcohol Ink  ) on tiles. Just in time for gift giving season! These would make beautiful teachers gifts. Just glue a bit of cork or felt on the back and you have a trivet worthy of gift giving. I found these beauties on Artsyville. [link]

Update: we just made a few sets of these at our house for teacher gifts. We used a black paint pen to finish the edges and about 1/4 inch on the back. Then we covered the back with cork. Finally we used Finish floor wax to seal the work. It does remove the ink if you are not VERY careful. We will try a spray coat finish before the Finish the next time we make these. 

Knockoff Delancey Pillow Tutorial

This is a beautiful pillow. The tutorial gives you the gist of how to make the flowers. I would personally add more flower blossoms to give it a more full look to the surface. Thanks to The Gunny Sack for the tutorial. [link]

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Puffy Quilt Tutorial

While this image makes it look amazingly difficult, once you see the step by step photos, you will get an ah ha moment and realize this is really doable. Thanks to The Olsen Family Blog for posting the tutorial. [link]

Friday, November 4, 2011

Wire Butterfly Bracelet Tutorial

Butterfly wire bracelet made form paperclips. A delicate wire wrap project with detailed photos. Up-cycle your paper  clips - maybe even in colors! I would not suggest it for beginning wire wrappers. [link]

Pearl Bracelet DIY

Another pearl and ribbon project, made into an elegant bracelet. Slightly different from another recent post. This site needed to be translated to English. Here is the link. [link]

Monday, October 31, 2011

Make a Paper Wallet

Need a new wallet but don't want to pay for one? Maybe you just want the novelty of making this wallet out of paper. I think this would be a great project to be made from paper that you decorated yourself with stamping and/or drawing. They seem to hold up rather well. I wonder if you made it from that paper that doesn't tear if it would be more sturdy? How about ironing fabric to paper? Try one, it's only a sheet of paper! Directions are found on Instructables. [link]

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Ribbon and Pearls Necklace

These are beautiful necklaces and they appear oh so easy. What a great gift they would make. Cherrry Bubbins shares a step by step tutorial. [link]

Friday, October 28, 2011

Beautiful Cracked Marbles

These marbles were baked causing them to crack. Bake the marbles on a cookie sheet at 325 - 350 for 20 minutes. As soon as you take them out of the oven, put them in a metal bowl of cold water and ice. Plain marbles can be found in the floral department of the crafting stores. Any translucent colored glass marble will work. instructions found on Craftster.

Zest Tote Bags - Free Pattern

Jo-Ann's offers a free pattern to create these tote bags. This is a great weekend project with a skill level of 2 meaning some experience is necessary. [link]

Thursday, October 27, 2011

DIY Pumpkins

Or as my daughter says, Punkmen. Tutorial provided by The World of Recycling. The blog is in Spanish but this link will provide you with a translated version of the site. [link]

Buttons and Bow Ornament

A Sprinkle of this and a Dash of that has the cutest ornament photos of a few she made. There is no tutorial but I think you can figure it out. If you want to see a few more images and a close up, follow the link - they are about half way down the page. [link]

Felt Ornaments - Free PDF Pattern

Adorable! Download your pdf pattern from Stumbles & Stitches. [link]
more very cute ornament pictures shown as well!

Felt Rose Bowl

Take a look at this felt rose bowl from Uncommon Goods. I am sure you can figure out how to make one from the photo and for a lot less than $75 dollars - unless you want to spend the $75 dollars!

The following image was seen on Pinterest. Very similar!
Can you make one?

If you follow the link above for Uncommon Goods, 
you can enlarge the image and see details if you are interested. 


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