Not to worry, all content will remain for a time. It has also been transfered to a new location, Try it - Like it. Try it - Like it will continue all the great craft postings similar to those found here but it will also include, eat-it, buy-it, read-it, link-it and win-it. Please visit the new site, look around and then join the mailing list, or like it on Facebook or on Networked Blogs to continue to receive great content. link

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

DIY Pendant Lamp - Weekend Project

Dollar Store Crafts has a great weekend project posted on their site for a pendant light tutorial. I love the colors! Can you believe these are ping pong balls? [link]

Want to buy ping pong balls in bulk? How about 144 of them for less than $10 link

DIY Plastic Strands

A great tutorial with lots of visuals on how to make plastic strands or as they call them wire. Full instructions are on WikiHow [link]

Need a heat gun?  link

Monday, September 10, 2012

DIY Barbie Doll House

Wow, can I just say how amazing this is? Southern Disposition shares a DIY tutorial for making a barbie doll house from three ring binders! Yes, three ring binders. They fold closed and don't take up a lot of room when not in use. If you never venture to make this, your loss. But you still need to go see this post and be in awe of the creativity. [link]

Friday, September 7, 2012

Initial Glass Pendant DIY

You know when you see an idea and you want to kick yourself for not thinking of it first? Well, this in one of those times. I love to make jewelry. I give it away, I sell it, I wear it. This is such a fantastic idea for so many gift giving opportunities. I am thinking even crafting with kids this would be fun and quick the only thing I would worry about is the etching cream usage. For the entire tutorial you can see it over at Midwestern Girl DIY [link]

Looking for supplies? You can find them here:

Etching Cream Glass Rectangle Tiles

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Copyright Free Images

Are you looking for free public domain imagery for your crafting or art making? Here is a great online resource. The images are mostly vintage by nature due to the copyright infringement laws. [link]

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Free $40 Gift!!!!

Create your own memory books, journal, calendar, a considerable savings. 
enter code Welcome2012 at checkout to receive a $40
credit to apply toward your purchase  [link]


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